Sunday, February 12, 2012

Good morning, everyone! I just wanted to pop in here and share my newest video with you all!
So yeah, I know that was super random. However, it does nicely summarize what I've been up to of late.

Today, I start my bathroom makeover project! I'm really excited, but also lacking some motivation to go ahead and get on with it. I have a nasty cold (again) that is doing its very best to keep me in bed/on the couch. Luckily, I'm all caught up on my DVR, so at least I have that going for me. I've even run out of things to do with my fish tanks! In essence, I really don't have anything better to do at this point, which is probably the best motivator for me to get going on this project.

As usual, I will be working my way down a checklist today. I love lists because they make giant tasks seem fairly simple. They also help me maintain focus on what I want to accomplish. Without a list, I'll work for an hour, maybe two, and then head off into lala land.

Anyways, stay tuned for my bathroom project update in the next few days. I can't wait to share it with you!

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