So I got sent home from work an hour early today. Unlike yesterday and the day before, it wasn't because we were overstaffed and I volunteered to leave. Rather, I got to go because a kid peed on me! I am so not a fan. Luckily, I have my hoarding tendencies to fall back on and I had a pair of sweats in the trunk of my car. I changed in the front seat with a jacket over my lap; there was no way I was going to stay in those pants any longer than I needed to. I was upset at first, but then I realized it was the Universe using its sense of humor to get me out of work so I could get homework done (which I'm going to work on as soon as I'm done with this post). The only thing I'm really bummed about is I when I threw my work pants in the wash, I forgot about the Pokewalker I had in my pocket. I have it sitting out on the windowsill in the guest bedroom. Hopefully it will dry and return to working order.
I'm in the most relaxing room of my house right now, surrounded by my two fish tanks and my dog. In my 77, I have a bunch of peaceful community fish who swim around lackadaisically. My 55 is filled with much more active fish who zip about from place to place. Admiring the contrast between the two habitats leaves me feeling balanced and centered. I don't need to be as crazy as my giant danios, but I should be less lazy than my wandering guppies.
I'm still having trouble getting myself motivated to do my homework. I know it is due by five tomorrow, but I'm struggling with convincing myself to care. I'm so exhausted at this point that a nap sounds divine, and just about everything else sounds like way too much work. I've been procrastinating more this semester than I ever have, and that is saying a lot coming from me. My big problem is that I can't figure out how to force myself to cut it out and get my work done. In the past, I've always been able to pull things off at the last minute. I just feel like that won't work this time.
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