Yet again, I want to post a blog without knowing what I want to say. I'm beginning to think I just need to write something non-academic to avoid a meltdown.
Today I went to class and delivered my grammar analysis speech based on Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. If you aren't familiar with her work, familiarize yourself. Seriously. Carson is pretty much amazing for a variety of reasons, but I love Silent Spring for the impact it has had on the United States and, to some degree, the entire world. My speech focused on how Carson manipulates grammar to reinforce her rhetorical argument. Her sentence structures mirror the points she is making. Anyways, I went to deliver my speech (I went second in the class), and I had a major technology malfunction. While I could get my Powerpoint to show up on the projector, I couldn't call up my notes on the computer because it wouldn't recognize the projector as a separate screen. So, I pretty much delivered my speech extemporaneously/slightly from memory. Yay for that Advanced Public Speaking course I took a few years ago. I got 19/20, so I'm pretty happy.
After school, I went home to work on homework, but was distracted for several hours by my siblings calling me on the phone. As much as I have to get my homework done, talking to my brother and sister is far more important to me... especially considering the fact that they live on the other side of the country. I've been really depressed lately, so spending time with them today was great.
Only half an hour into my shift this evening, I was sent home because we were overstaffed. I didn't mind; I volunteered. The only thing that annoyed me is that they didn't call me before I left the house. With gas prices climbing, I would have been more than happy to just stay home altogether.
This evening I tried (rather unsuccessfully) to work on my annotated bibliography for American Lit. Out of the ten entries, I have one complete and another halfway done. Like I have every night for the last few weeks, I got really depressed/unmotivated around seven and haven't done anything since. I should have at least gone to bed rather than waste all my time online, but oh well. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. It will be; the stupid assignment is due Friday.
I know this has been a long, rambling post about a whole lot of nothing, but I just needed to get something on here. I may be losing my mind, but at least I'm writing in the process... now if I could just find the inspiration to get this need focused on my novel.
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